Seven Great Tips For A Woman’s Strength Training Program

Most women don’t consider the idea of incorporating strength training into their fitness routine, but it is a fantastic way to work on muscle mass and ensure that your bones stay strong. The advice in this article will focus on great ways for women to add strength training to their exercise regime.

An excellent way to introduce weight training into your normal workout is by coupling it with short bursts of high intensity cardio. Start by lifting dumbbells for 8 to 12 repetitions, and then quickly jump on an exercise bike or jump rope for five minutes. Follow with 8 to 12 more repetitions, and then an intense aerobic workout for 5 to 10 minutes more. Finish up with an additional 8 to 12 repetitions. Once you get used to this routine, you can increase the reps and cardio accordingly.

Don’t make the mistake of lifting weights every day. You could not only end up stressing your muscles, but you may find that you bore of it very quickly. Any more than this really isn’t necessary. Believe it not, 3 weight training sessions a week can drop your body fat percentage by 3 percent or more in 10 weeks, without dieting.

When you first begin your strength training routine, you should start with small weights. You will quickly find yourself building up the strength to lift heavier weights. If you find yourself straining, then you are using weights that are too heavy for you. Also, beware of weights or resistance training that wears you out after 10 repetitions. It is another indicator that you need to train with something that isn’t as heavy.

Warming up is essential before any fitness routine, and this is particularly important when using weights. Cold muscles are stiff, and by warming up, you will increase the blood flow, loosening your muscles which protect them from injury. Warming up can consist of stretching exercises, light cardio or slowly lifting small weights. Don’t forget to cool down at the end of your workout with a final bout of light cardio and stretching.

Don’t be afraid to use weights – you won’t bulk up! Women don’t have sufficient testosterone in their bodies to develop large muscles; instead they gain strength and tone. The appearance of the muscle change for two reasons: partly because of a slight increase in size, but mainly because the fat that is covering the well-developed muscle decreases.

Aim for a total body workout targeting arms, legs, abdominals and your back muscles. For each exercise, aim for at least 8 to 12 repetitions, using a suitable weight that won’t over-stretch you or wear you out. By exercising all the muscle groups, you will get a lean, well-proportioned body. If there is any particular area that you want to focus on, you can adjust your strength workout for it, but the main idea is to achieve an overall balance.

Always stay well hydrated when strength training. Drink 8 oz of water prior to your workout, and another 8 to 16 oz while exercising. Pay close attention to how much you are perspiring, and drink water to compensate for fluids lost from your body. At the end of the workout, drink a further 8 oz.

Weight training is an ideal way to tone your muscles and get a lean, healthy body. The tips in this article will give you all the help you need to achieve the body you have always dreamed of.

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