Want to Look and Feel 7 Years Younger in Less Than 2 Months?

On the first day of the year the year, 2013, Good Housekeeping released a new book called “7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan.”

The book is designed to lead you gradually through changes in many areas to help you to feel and look better than you have in awhile.

This program starts off with a trendy “jumpstart” plan for 7 days to get you started on your path to rejuvenation.

This is followed by a 7-week regimen that will re-tune your hair and skin care routines (or help you establish them!), diet, and mental/physical/emotional fitness in a way that will get you looking and feeling younger without resorting to anything drastic like injections or surgery.

Good Housekeeping didn’t just throw together a bunch of old wives tails, tweets, and urban legends – they used the latest scientific information about aging. They gathered women from age 34 to 53 to become part of their panel of testers and all of them reported feeling better than they had in quite a long time.

Each woman’s experience was slightly different, but we all start out in different places with different needs.  There was significant weight loss, inches lost, more youthful appearance regained among the testers.

Now, keep in mind that in order for this book to actually work its magic in turning back your Biological Clock, you have to actually IMPLEMENT their suggestions – reading them does not produce transformation…

It will force you to make some lifestyle changes, and you have to be in a place where you are willing to do this.

And it isn’t free! There will be recommended products to buy, etc., but if you want to look and feel better this could just be the best book you have ever purchased!

7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan
7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan

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