Do ALL Parents Lie To Their Children?

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have 2 daughters and 1 son.  In this recent news story (Click Here), they talk about how these two famous people are just like any other parents: they tell white lies to their children.


That’s right.  They lie to their children too!

What do they lie about? Jen lies to her kids about sunscreen, even saying once that it is “against the law to NOT use sunscreen.” This actually seems like a rather useful lie, sunscreen is a good thing!

How many parents do you think lie to their children?

An article on ABC news focuses on lies parents tell their children. The article discusses a study published by the International Journal of Psychology which found that a very high percentage of parents lie to their children – primarily to encourage good behavior.

Interestingly, the study also reported that more parents in China lie to their children than those in the United States! (I think that it is more probable that the Chinese parents are simply more open about the lying that they do to their children.) published a great article about the top 10 lies parents tell their kids.

Here are some of my favorites:

1.  Drinking coffee – some parents tell their kids that drinking coffee will keep them from growing taller.  Probably this is an attempt to keep hyperactivity to a minimum… Considering all the soda that they tend to drink, I’m thinking this one should really be dropped from the list.

2.  If you don’t close your eyes when you sneeze, your eyes will fall out. Many children, myself included, have tried to put this one to the test – and we all have both eyeballs in our sockets still…

3.  If you cross your eyes they will get stuck there.  We tried that one too…

You really need to check out this article, I found that my parents told me every single one of the top ten they covered!

Do YOU lie to your kids?

Image of Jennifer Garner taken by Tom Sorensen, used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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