Can What You Wear Sway Those Around You?

In many offices today, business casual is the often the flavor of the day – in many cases with much more emphasis on the casual part!

Many offices used to be be more insistent on dressing in a traditional business-like way, with women required to wear suits, sometimes even insisting on darker colors with closed shoes. Stockings were a must. This “Business Professional” look is still a good idea if you are going on an interview or visiting another office.

Every office has its own code, and it makes sense to dress in a similar way to the others that you work with.

But have you ever noticed that those in charge are often dressed a notch up from the rest of the office? If you walk into an office, it wouldn’t take long to identify those in charge just by observing the appearance they present.

It makes sense based on the principles of rapport building that dressing in a similar way to the managers and executives can give them a sense that you are more “one of them,” and thus your opinion and input could be more valuable to them.

Now, it should go without saying that you also have to be someone that does a good job, is reliable, etc. Just looking good on its own won’t get you very far!

But it sure can make a difference, other factors being equal.

Judie Schwartz, who writes the Style Matters column in The Colorado Statesman uses the example of dressing like lobbyists. These people influence others for a living, so observing how they dress can be pretty illuminating!

If you want to have influence in the office, be sure how you dress isn’t too distracting. Read all of Judie’s principles of professional dress at 

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