Think Your Actions Don’t Matter? Then Read This …

By Crystal Veness

This past year has been incredible. Best year on record without doubt. It’s been my most challenging year – mentally, physically, and emotionally. But it has been the most rewarding by a long shot. As I sail into the new year, I’m happy. Motivated. Inspired. And I have a lot of people to thank for that.

Sometimes out of heartache comes amazing clarity. My eyes were opened this year, and it was terrifying. I realized I had been living my life not as me, but a masked version of myself that I believed the people around me wanted to see. While the shock ran its course, I started to come out of the fog and I was more alive and aware of who I am than I had ever realized was possible.

As 2014 came to a close, I began reflecting on how I came to this point. I realized it was a combination of amazing people who have crossed my path this year as I traveled the world.

I didn’t – and couldn’t have – done it alone. It’s the people around me who made the difference.

And I wanted them to know how their kindness, openness, influence, and support made a tremendous difference.

How often do you acknowledge the people that have inspired you? Helped you? Loved you?

These past few months I’ve sent out a handful of written letters, Facebook messages, and even a scribbled note to express my appreciation for those people. I was floored by the responses I received.

“Your message was so incredibly touching and so unbelievably well timed I can hardly wrap my head around it.”

“That is the nicest out of the blue message I’ve ever received…thank you so much- I’m so stoked I was a positive influence.”

“That message brought tears to my eyes. I needed to hear that today. Thank you, I’m glad I was able to touch your life.”

How can people so amazing be so surprised to hear it? Some of the people who do the most for us never know how much it’s worth. That’s not right. It’s so easy to take from others – in the form of inspiration, knowledge, a place to stay, a hug when you need it… But don’t forget that those people are giving something. Thank them for it.

In recent weeks, I’ve been brought to tears by the kind words that others have shared with me. Even I’m surprised when I get reminders that I’ve had an impact on someone else’s life. Getting a phone call with such sweet sentiment that I had to sit down because I was so blown away I was shaking … Crying over breakfast because I’d received a message with heartfelt, kind words about who I am as a person … It all reminds me of the power that words carry. I will never forget these messages.

So send a note, a letter, take them for a coffee and tell them in person. Let them know what they have done for you and how much you appreciate them!

I think we often go through life without realizing our true impact we have on others around us – both good and bad. We have an amazing opportunity each day to wake up and choose to share our love with others.

Know that when you listen to a friend in need, smile at a complete stranger, or stop and share your thankfulness, you are making a difference.

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