Spiritual People Have Thicker Brains

By Dick Sutphen

People who are religious or spiritual have ‘thicker’ brains, which may protect them against depression, according to an article in the British publication Mail Online, Dec. 31, 2013.

“Our beliefs and our moods are reflected in our brain and with new imaging techniques we can begin to see this,” said Dr. Myrna Weissman, a professor of psychiatry and epidemiology at Columbia University. In a story reported in “Reuters Health,” Weissman described the study using people aged 18 to 54 who were asked how important religion or spirituality was to them and how often they attended religious services over a five-year period. (NOTE: These subjects were the children or grandchildren of people who participated in an earlier study about depression.)

Overall, the researchers found that the importance of religion or spirituality to an individual – but not church attendance – was tied to having a thicker cortex.

COULD IT BE that Spirit is protecting those of a religious or spiritual nature from depression projected by the dark side?

In another recent report of brain findings, sociopaths, and serial killers were found to have unique dark spots in their brains.

COULD IT BE that this is evidence of the dark side taking over the brains of an individual, causing them to become monsters?

My wife Roberta and I have seen a strong pattern in the people we work with as private clients; they know their life is not in order but are having a hard time finding their truth.

Dark spots in the mind are lies. They are self-criticism and all other negative thoughts that pass through us daily. According to my research negativity attracts earthbound entities and psychic attacks.

Furthermore, we have found that light workers (New Age or Religious) are often a target of dark forces, who work to fill the minds of positive people with negativity, worries, and fears. Life on earth is made up of the balance between light and dark where we learn how to rise above fears. Our lives are not meant to be all good but rather they are a series of tests. We all need reminders to continually seek the truth and surround ourselves in the White Light of Spirit.

Later this month, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of over 50 New Age books, including several titles on the Djinn, Shadow People, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians, and other dark entities will be returning to Sedona and staying with my wife Roberta and me. Do a search on Rosemary if you are interested in this concept.

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