Could Your Problem Be From a Past Life?

By Dick Sutphen

Do you have problems in your life for which you can find no cause? For example, maybe you have been overweight all of your life, but no amount of dieting or exercise can help you lose the weight. Perhaps your problem is not from this life, but instead, another one that you may have lived.

I understand that many people are skeptical of reincarnation. We live in a mostly Christian culture, and accepting past lives is not part of that belief system. And I’m not here to convince you one way or another – you have to make up your own mind. But what I do want to do is to open up your mind to the possibility.

I have been conducting research on past lives  since the 1970s. I have written many books that document how investigating someone’s past lives has directly impacted their current life and made it better. In this article, I’m going to share two stories with you that demonstrate what I am talking about.

A female therapist in her early forties told me she had been sexually molested by four different adult males by the time she was six years old.

Before we began the past life hypnotic regression session, I knew we were going to be exploring some painful memories. As it turned out, the woman had been punishing herself as a molestation victim for 16 lifetimes. When we explored the cause, she vividly perceived herself as a male pedophile who relentlessly stalked young boys. “I can’t help myself,” he said. Eventually he killed one of the boys to protect himself.

Cause and effect — 16 lifetimes of self-punishment in an attempt to resolve the guilt. Nothing carries over from one life to the next like guilt.

It is my belief that it is not God or the Lords of Karma that punish us. You alone are your own judge and jury. Thousands of years may pass, but if you still feel guilty, you may continue to seek absolution through “eye for an eye” experiences.

In this case, I directed some cathartic forgiving and releasing. My subject cried and cried out. A room full of professional therapists observed, engrossed in the process. When the woman had sincerely forgiven herself and everyone else involved, I felt she had broken the chain of cause and effect and will not need to reincarnate as a victim again.

In another recent case, I hypnotized an extremely overweight woman in her mid-thirties. She had tried to lose the weight a dozen different ways, but always put the pounds right back on.

Deep in an altered state of consciousness, I directed her to go back to the cause of her weight problem, wherever it might be (this life or a past life). Stepping out of the time tunnel, she immediately began to describe her life as a harem girl to a nomadic desert chieftain. Seven women serviced the man’s needs. When visited by other leaders, the women were sometimes shared sexually with the visitors.

My client said she was the prettiest and youngest, so was in most demand. She enjoyed the sex and the lifestyle, until a time when she was loaned to visitors who hurt her badly. After that, she did not want to be chosen. She began to eat excessively. When very heavy, she was no longer the favorite and seldom had to perform sexually. “The pounds protect me,” she said.

Today, she is still using the pounds to protect her. Deep in trance, she relived being nearly raped in this life by a high school date. Shortly after the incident, she began to gain weight.

I directed an intense releasing process and laid the groundwork for reprogramming. In her daily meditation she now says, “I know the cause and I release the effect. I no longer need to physically protect myself with excess weight, so I lose pounds and stabilize at 130. I feel safe and content at this weight.”

She started off weighing 190. I received an e-mail last week saying, “Richard, I’ve already lost 35 pounds. Thank you, thank you.”

Like I said, I am not here to try to convince you that reincarnation is real. I never push beliefs on anyone. However, what I can tell you is that I have worked with people like these for decades, and the changes are real. I’m not suggesting that everyone should now run out and seek a past life regression to solve their problems, but I hope that I have at least opened your mind to the possibility that reincarnation just might be real.

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