Outside The Box: Out-Of-Body Experience Stories

By Susan Austin Taylor

Astral projection is a facet of the human experience recorded throughout our written history as far back as images on the walls of caves and rock faces.  I’m convinced that as infants, we all projected out of our bodies on a regular basis,  just to escape the feeling of confinement upon entering our physical bodies.

Why we lose conscious ability to do this, I’m uncertain. I only know that it stayed with me, first to my dismay and later to my  delight.  When I learned to control it and choose my experiences, I had great fun and a lot of adventures in what I call “otherwhere.”  Coming back into my physical body after theses experiences, I almost always felt energized and at peace.

Until I was an adult, I had no idea that other people were having out of body experiences as well.  The first book I ever read on astral projection was Journeys Out Of The Body by Robert Monroe.   I began to read many books on the subject, and to speak to people who either had been out there or knew of it.  Some  of the methods I read about or heard about were  new to me, but most were variations of my own techniques.

Actually, my techniques were simply games I had made up and played when I was a child.  All of the games involved imagination, employing as much sensory awareness as I could muster.  I am always trying new methods and some of them are more involved than my childhood games.  Everything doesn’t always go smoothly, however, and I share a few these experiences whenever I speak on this subject because I want others to learn from my mistakes.

One day, I was creating my “astral twin,” and I was just beginning to try to transfer my consciousness into it, when the telephone rang.  I had forgotten to turn the phone off.  Startled and shaken, I got up quickly to answer it with no thought at all for the astral double still floating around.  My son, Lucas, had missed the bus home after class and the county high school was nearly twenty-five miles away.

While reaching for my car keys, my mom phoned and, when I told her where I was going, said she’d like to go along for the ride.  After driving for nearly fifteen minutes I came to a familiar stop sign at the intersection of two highways.  I never stopped.  I slowed down slightly and turned left onto the highway.  Luckily, there  was no oncoming traffic but my mom said, “Didn’t you see that stop sign?”  I knew this road well. I remember actually saying, “ I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I don’t feel like I’m all here.”  I felt tired and disoriented.  Later that evening, at home, I remembered the “double” exercise and began the process of pulling the astral substance back into myself.  I felt bad for days afterward.

A couple of days after this occurred, my best friend called me on the phone. She hadn’t called since the morning before this experience, which was unusual because we usually talked several times a day.  “Are you mad at me?” she asked. “No.  Why?” I replied.  She said she had come my home to visit two days before and was upset because I came to the door but wouldn’t open it or answer her when she called out.  I told her where I was at that time but she said she clearly saw me walk from the hallway over to the door.  When I asked her what I was wearing, she correctly described the clothes I had worn that day.  She had seen my astral double!  This thing was walking around my house and trying to open the door for company!  That’s how real this is and how serious it is to bring this double back into your physical body when you’ve finished the exercise!

Spontaneous astral projection is an interesting occurrence.  There have been many reports from soldiers in combat zones who have seen their wives or a loved one appear before them.  It  occurs during long periods of separation and for family members living far away from each other. The need to be near their loved one is so great that they just involuntarily project out of their body and go to them.  This type of astral travel belongs to a category called the urgent need or the pressing need and can be very useful in learning to get out of the body.

I once “popped in” on my husband, a commercial diver, as he was traveling a short distance to a job site.  He’d just bought a new pair of deck shoes a few days before.  I had asked him to wear his old pair of work shoes at the docks and on the boats and barges, where he frequently worked, because these places are usually muddy and oily.  As I began to project out that morning, and knowing my husband, I thought about those shoes. This was my silly, pressing need.  I quickly found myself hovering over and then going inside his pickup, looking down at his feet.  Sure enough, he’d worn the new shoes.  He called before he left the job site and, to his surprise, I scolded him for wearing those shoes.  When he returned home later that afternoon we had a good laugh about it.

While out of body, I’ve been at the scene of many accidents and disasters. So many, in fact, that I could never recall each event. Sitting beside the injured and dying, I do whatever is called for to help them.  I’ve kept a written account of approximately 25% of these experiences and the common thread running through all of them is the sense of joy and relief of the victims upon learning that they were no longer confined to a physical body!

This is my favorite kind of astral experience and I feel very fortunate every time.  So I work as a volunteer on the astral planes and teach astral projection techniques to others in  the physical plane, hoping that they, too, will be able to see this for themselves and to know, without a doubt, that we are immortal, spiritual beings.  For a while, we live here, in this world and in these physical bodies. But we are never more alive than after we leave this all behind.

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