Could You Be Living More Than One Life Right Now?

By Dick Sutphen

I have spent most of my career researching past lives. And yes, there are many people who think the concept is not possible. For example, some statisticians say that there are nearly as many people now living on the earth as the sum total of all the people who have ever lived. So there are not enough past lives to go around. In response, I’ll begin with a concept that’s difficult for many people to grasp: YOU ARE MORE THAN ONE PERSON NOW LIVING ON THE EARTH.

It was while I was writing and researching my book, You Were Born Again to Be Together, that I met Alex, who asked me to conduct hypnosis sessions. He had experienced several dreams in which he saw his wife Louise in an unfamiliar modern setting, but she looked different. Through hypnosis and working with a trance channel, we discovered that Louise, who lived in Phoenix, Arizona was also a woman named Mary who lived on a farm in Iowa.

The channeler who helped me investigate this case said, “There is a union between the two women in sleep and often the thoughts of one are known to the other, but are considered their own.”

Over time, lying side-by-side in sleep, couples tend to align their brainwave frequencies, which creates a psychic link. While dreaming, Alex was drawing images from his wife’s mind-images of her parallel-self in Iowa.

You Were Born Again To Be Together was published in April, 1976. In the fall of 1976, Jane Robert’s book of Seth channeling, Psychic Politics, was published. Now I didn’t see Jane’s manuscript and she didn’t see mine, but we were writing about the same thing. Seth said, “You can live more that one life in one time. You are neurological turned in to one particular field of actuality that you recognize.”

Here are a couple more excerpts from Psychic Politics:

SETH: If you could think of a multidimensional body existing at one time in different realities, and appearing differently within those realities, then you could get a glimpse of what is involved.

Here’s another:

SETH: You live more that one life at a time. You do not experience your century simply from one separate vantage point, and the individuals alive in any given century have far deeper connection than you realize. You do not experience your space-time world, then, from one but from many viewpoints.

Book Case Histories

The following is an interesting case history from You Were Born Again To Be Together:

Cherry Hartman, a psychiatric social worker for Lutheran Family Services, received answers to all of the questions I’d asked of my hypnotized seminar participants in a group parallel-life transference session. Instead of sharing lunch with the group, she spent her lunch hour on the phone attempting to verify shat she had learned in hypnosis. After lunch, Cherry shared what she found out.

She said, “In the parallel-life transfer, I went into a lifetime as James Arthur Phelps. I was an encyclopedia salesman and the year was 1963. I perceived the full address, city and state. My wife’s name was Jackie. I checked this out with the help of the telephone operator and found the address to be real, but there was no one by that name living there now. I was able to able to talk to a woman who lives a few houses away and she told me that a Phelps family had lived on the block ten years ago. Also, she verified the wife’s name.”

Were Cherry Hartman and James Arthur Phelps parallels-extensions of the same oversoul? I believe this so. I know Cherry believed this to be the case.

28-Year-Old Female:

A 28-year-old female seminar participant shared this story after her transfer session: “I went back or went over and found myself 12 years in the past. My name is Johanna Harris and I live in Peru. I’m a nurse, and the only way you can get to where I am is on a riverboat that brings supplies, which we get once a month. The village that I live in . . . grass type huts and there are four or five smaller ones for the individual people. My hobbies are the children of the village. I also go hunting for rocks and gems, getting off in the jungle by myself.

“As Johanna, I happen to be handling people in the hospital that can’t do for themselves. They can’t move themselves and the chief of the village especially . . . he’s a large man and he’s very heavy to try to move.”

She paused in sharing her story, placed a hand of her lower back and said, “Maybe this explains why my back hurts sometimes.”

39-Year Old Female:

This response was from a 39-year-old seminar participant who experienced the Parallel-Lives Transfer Session. She cried as she told her story: “I got very brief information, but I first picked up on a parallel at age nine. She was born approximately nine months after I was in the same town-Philadelphia . . . the same hospital and her name is Susan. She was living in Detroit at the age of nine, near Lake Michigan. Then this other information started coming in. It was a real shocker. In 1962, she lost a child that I birthed in December of ’62. There is other cross-tie information. I can’t share with the group for personal reasons. In 1975, Susan was involved in a sailing accident that crippled her and eventually led to her death in October of last year. Well, I know all of this has to do with my own depressed state of mind during the months she suffered. I got this out of it. I can describe the house she lived in. It was frame, one-story with a basement-Victorian style . . . and white with blue trim on the outside.”

48-Year-Old Male:

A 48-year-old male seminar attendee who participated in a group parallel-life transference session shared this. “If I can accept this, I am also a doctor practicing in New York City. I couldn’t get his name, but I guarantee you I’d recognize his offices if I were to ever see them. I saw his office door with many names on it, but they were fuzzy. Anyway, I’m probably in my late fifties or early sixties and have three grown children. My wife died several years ago, and I’m now living alone in an apartment in Manhattan. An interesting fact here is that in my own reality, I was a medic in the war, was good at it and learned quickly, but I saw enough human suffering to last me a lifetime. After the war, I started my own manufacturing business instead of pursuing medicine . . . at least this part of me did.”

Sure, this is “outside the box” to most people. But just because it seems bizarre doesn’t necessarily mean that it couldn’t be true.

Decide for yourself.

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