Bad Relationship Advice is Like a Pyramid Scheme

I saw that line in Uptown Magazine, in an article written by Cassia Jones about all the bad advice you get from your friends about relationships, and just had to laugh out loud!

It is all about how if you really want to stay single, just get dating and relationship advice from your friends!

Have you ever looked at it that way?

There are many so-called friends out there that have their own agenda for your time, and they are not always cheering you on in whatever relationship you happen to be in at the moment. Or maybe their own relationship isn’t so great, but they want to tell you what to do in yours?

The pyramid comes into play as bad relationship advice gets handed down from one person to another – sort of like playing gossip. The advice starts out bad and ends up getting worse as it is passed along down the slippery slope.

Laura Doyle, a Relationship Expert and host of her own radio show, has a weekly award she calls “The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week Award,” which in itself sort of suggests that there is a LOT of really bad advice that you have to wade through to come up with the one that it the worst!

An example of this is “the advice” that to stay married you should have a weekly date night.  Yeah, that is going to help it a lot when you are not enjoying each other’s company to begin with!

So why is it that we want our friends to confirm our choice? Do we not have enough confidence in our own judgment, in being able to discern whether this is someone that we can find joy with, forge a partnership with?

I know women – married and single alike – that spend hours upon hours discussing their relationship with their group of friends and they tear the poor guys apart, one after the other.

Perhaps it makes them feel better about themselves to heap disapproval on another?

Now, there are lots of friends that do not mean any harm when they give you advice on your relationship, and they may even notice something you had not. What they say could be helpful.

But in the end, it is up to you to trust your feelings about this person and whether the time investment is worth it.

You are the only one that knows what feels right to you…

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