The Amazing Power of Rest!

You can tell when you are running out of steam. Your thinking gets fuzzy, maybe a couple of things you really wanted to get done slip out of your head.

Given that, it isn’t too surprising that rest will help you to boost your creativity. All brain functions work better when they are rested.

I used to burn the candle at both ends and there is a big price to pay for that in productivity and health. I thought I was just trying to get more done!

Not so much…

That is one of the reasons practicing some form of meditation can be so helpful. Doing busy things like going out with friends or going hiking is certainly healthy and gives you a break from work, but to get true rest is different.

Rest will counter stress, impacting all 40,000 genes in your body and inducing chemical changes in your body that will lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce inflammation, and revitalize your brain.

Naps will certainly help you rest, and are a great practice.

But even better is the practice of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep).

Yoga Nidra is a progressive guided meditation, and when practiced for 10 minutes can be equal to 3-4 hours of sleep! It will trigger the relaxation response, allowing any feelings of stress and anxiety to slip away.

It has been used to help soldiers cope with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

To find out more about the benefits of restful practices, click here.

Slow down and welcome periods of silence into your days. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel, and how much more you will accomplish!

If you would like to try Yoga Nidra for yourself, these tracks can help guide you through the process.

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